Sunday, February 25, 2007

champ!... plate

our crave for winning mcoba futsal ended today, as our team emerged as champions of plate category. though its in a loser's pool, we still shine brighter amongst the loser!

our path was the hardest compared to other 9600 teams. we were last in grouping stage. beat f5 91 in quater, f5 94 in semi and batch-mate in the final. i have to admit, final was the worst game thru out the tournament.

my serious comments about our game:
majid, goalie - you were really rushing us for counter attack.
usop tajul, central defender - you didnt want to risk the ball and cleared out like padang C style.
din, playmaker - youre stressed out today. youre too soft. try je rembat.
anip, wing - your pace was slightly different than ours.
mulder, stricker - clumsy footing, but hey, you scored. youre 50% short of everything today.
skis, universal - damn youre heavy dude. but the footwork, mmg worldclass
me, universal - lazy and unfit for counter attack. slow and lose concentration. handling needs to improve.

overall - we're 50-60% of our usual performance today. i wonder howd it be if it was like our normal futsal session. we could have gone further. also, we lack strength and tactic2 kotor. we were too clean.

regardless of anything. im honored to have your cooperation, effort and being part of the team. thank you for having faith amongst yourselves. i really enjoyed myself today.


Anonymous said...

Missed tgk korang main..
We supposed to be there. It's included in our schedule, but then something came up..Had to pass.

Menang plate category pon ok lah kan?dari takde langsung! yeah..clap clap..

SalamMedia said...

itulah. we were expecting both of you. about 30++ 9600 turned up. i pretty much pity biha - skis's wife, tade companion thru out. non turned up dgn gf (except kaduk, dh abes dh time tu). to be honest, i wouldnt let gfs to come and watch their bf get knocked. also can cause major distraction amongst player. esp the sexy2 ones.. damn meleleh... haha