Thursday, January 18, 2007

Friday, Agong, Nite Out, Thrasher & Ferris Wheel

friday - it was dark. i never thought it'd rain. izrin,"sure tak ujan la". zarir was there too. thought of staying at mandarin oriental.. terkedu plak. anyway, we ran down from our usual spot (on the roof) to park area and prayed there. with k750i, pictures anywhere, everywhere!

so izrin and zarir head their own separate ways. i took my normal route back to office and came across bundles of people. Agong was in the Mosque. i was about 5 meters away from Tuanku. was thinking of asking him,"igt lg tak mckk? u presented medalions and award to me." on second thoughts, he has many things aligned, i better not ask silly stupid questions.

that night, we had dinner at old town kopitiam. it was hell fun! table for 8. fqrl, fadli, me, izrin, kukubal, mulder, nizam & zarir. back-bitting, pervert stuff and girls are always our preferable topics. haha.

to thrasher, congrats on the baby boy. super duper cute. i still cant believe youre married!

had dinner with fadli the other night, "fadli jom usha ferris wheel". he granted (he was driving). flocks of people! and the only 2 males walking together is fadli and me. i feel gay.. its kinda sad, with 20mil budget, all they can come out was this big (60 meters tall, 42 cars)? yeah its a tourist attraction at day, but at night, sarang merabe tetek! the street was paved with LL people. what an eye sore. im ashamed. isk isk

*LL = low life

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