Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Raya Funny Tunes 2

this is a follow up on the last post.

i went to the kitchen, to get some grubs and overheard tok wans' conversation with my pharmacist aunt,

tok wan : buat apa hang hantaq anak hang blajaq jd doctor?
aunt : depa nak blajaq lagu tu, nak buat lagu mana..
tok wan : hang tgk mcm ewin (thats my nickname) tu, gheja unemployed, gaji lebih 6 ribu...
aunt : ??? ... pak wan, unemployed tu tade keje..
tok wan : hang jgn nak sekolahkan aku plak. unemployed tu lg tinggi dari manager. nama gheja die tu pon dah mat salleh abes..
aunt nodded, agreeing. she cant say much.

org tue kate, dengar ckp org tue, dorg lg byk makan garam.

its amazing how "keras kepale" our elders can be. perhaps i have set my foot wrongly in the first place. from now on, he'll think 'unemployed' is a post higher than managers.

p/s: next post will be the correction..


croom said...

kehke lawaks.. dah update dah blog aku.. nak sangat.. heheh

Salfiza said...

Ya Allah.. serius ke nie??

nampaknya aku kena pesan kat member2 aku yang bekerja sendiri untuk tidak memberitahu kepada tokwan atau nekwan mereka bahawa mereka adalah 'unemployed'..

sungguh memberi pengajaran entry ko nie.. haha

Khalisa Ridzuan said...

seriously funny la weyyyy...
ur post, so easy to please me and make me laugh out loud.hahahahaha ;p

SalamMedia said...

croom : good boy. will check later ;)

asnor filza : not all elders begitu. cume nak elak drpd bercerite panjang.

lisaolisut : jgn sampai boss tangkap sudey :p

Anonymous said...

degil trait tu mcm dah menurun ke cucu? tehehe peace ar eddie. aiyo.. ur grandma is really funny...! maybe i should try saying it to my grandma.

SalamMedia said...

ninie : the degil trait comes from my dad. tokwan is not my grandma, its my tok sedare, i call him tok wan, others call him tok su.