Monday, May 21, 2007

Coming Down to A Fever

fever haunts me every 8months. this time its a bit early. it must be the finger, hurts like mad. inflammatory ape jadah tah. abaw or any medical student mesti reti explain. for me, im in for the pain. Yeay! (i love physical pain!)

today and tomorrow im attending National Achievers Congress 2007. yeah, big word. personally i think the speakers are a bunch of show offs. of course we'd learn some, but we'd have to buy their stuff to know more. i did a bit of note taking and i promise to share it later.

in the mean time, let me enjoy my runny nose, broken finger and head ache. em.. im loving it!

ps: byk kojo tok siap la-i ni.


Anonymous said...

lorr..kesiannya...takpe..."on no soul does Allah put a burden greater than it can bear..." =) sabar okie? =)

SalamMedia said...

oh? seni, i really like physical pain. its not a burden. thanx anyway

Anonymous said...

suke???!! seriously?? uniquelah eddie ini =)

SalamMedia said...

seriously suke. rase alive

croom said...

dude, nanti jari ngko jadik cam mulder... hahaha hahahahaha

SalamMedia said...

kenape dgn jari muldeR?