"gua caya sama lu!" thats the tag line. corny but i like it. this is a flame post. go away if you think im being silly.
i heard gua.com.my over the radio, so i told myself, "hey, why not i give it a lookie". the first thing i did when i got to my lappie, i keyed in "gua.com.my"...
wah la~ and error POOPed out. oh ok, maybe they are still fixing it. i corrected my url and hit enter. the correct url is http://www.gua.com.my
Hey Marion ~(would you like to travel to panama with me?) as much as they would like to target teens (or teen-like-adults), this is simply too much. look at it! its hideous, preposterous! have they ever thought that its sooo late 90's design? this is just like the layout korn had in 99. babe, move to web2.0 ala facebook style please. again i give an ample space to improve..
so i clicked over to AMBER CHIA. yummy~ (no way a 24 year old male can resist her). while waiting for page to load i grabbed cookies and milk, it was super slow! upon my return, i faced this error. goodness, i am a web developer, im updated with all these latest tools and gadgets but THIS? ohoo.. maybe i just dont have a flash player (!), i might as well get a dvd player while im at it.
and the final part, a bit technical though, but this is definitely not the way to code. its neither SEO nor SEF, search engine cannot find you. it's open for threat, hacking is so much easier if everything is displayed. it should be like this (below), looking like a dumb .html, but actually .php extension. to any developer, this is the first thing to look into before anything else.
nontheless, you have my utmost respect for being able to air and market on the media network, as expected of media primas' sub. also respect for the up coming shamefulness you will receive.
why am i pissed?well, maybe because i DIDNT get the job! anyway, its a good exercise before i start my webhate.com project (showcasing all the mistakes and bad designs of malaysian web!) ouch, thats gotta hurt.
Woit jangan tengok lebih2...batal pose hehehe...
hehe. mlm2 je tgk lebih2 hehe.
yoi my dear with his ketidakpuasan hatinya..as always :p
bagus2 u r still d same perfectionist
eh i thot u said gua was okay at first?
post byk2 sket,i bercuti drpd menulis tp tak bercuti drpd membaca~
glad you liked my post.
no doubt i will start the project. i kinda like idea of flaming big sites! haha. maybe will do it on lamanku.net.
the idea is to flame site and praise cool sites at the same time. what do you think? itll be biased though because its coming from me alone
hehe...typical eddie...but still a good one though, as usual...
bias? selamba la...at least they know, that they are producing shit instead of something nice, like they thought they did...
okok very glad that you guys like it.
so want me to stick to synical mode ek bile commenting others? i love that! hahaha.
how about when we can't "gua.com.my", instead we have to type exact "www.gua.com.my". I just wonder, coz all of the URL already work that way without "www". is that a flaw too?
can't wait for ur webhate.com
its a flaw.
any website in the world should be linked up automatically from root to www (public_html folder). im not making sense here, but you know this shouldnt happen.
im guessing this is a dedicated server. too bad gua.com.my doesnt have a "report for bug link". (even if they had, i wont report). anyway, before any site can serve the community, it must go through extensive beta stage. under these terms, guest will understand that some features might not work etc.
as for gua.com.my, the advertisement is rampaging like hell before they could finish the coding. im taking that they outsourced the job to "new kids on the block". now who's fault it sucked? management or developer?
betul lah ckp your best friend tu..selamba je la..u can create kahwin2u and ibubapa that dont seem to be made by you, what more on a webhate that is soo YOU! :)
So to further excites you:-
I love the idea.
There are lots of crappy sites out there.
You know you wld love to trash or gv credit to them.
and simply bcoz..
Malaysians always love the Haters.
pastu bole la be literally cynical like "Let my presumption not provoke thy wrath" hehe
thanks for the support ;)
what a loser u are... it's one thing that you don't like something, it's another that you go to other people's sites and blogs to spread the hatred. get a life, pls. GUA is a site like no other and I think it rocks. Sure there are flaws.. but at least they're doing something different. And again, do get some sort of life k?
kapan i see, you're one of those people who can't accept critics.
i went blog-hopping to spread what im writing. i initially wrote a full technical error report to them, but they never responded (to this day). so i guess its best to make them notice this way.
gua.com.my is a site like no other?.. so you just got your broadband. i see...
again, i have a life, though not as meaningful as yours. cheers
hey there is a www.murai.com.my from astro! check it out ~
u are sooo right....they do sucks...watching kerana karina needs at least 4 hours..for like 5 minutes storyline...i can watch 2 complete muvee while kerana karina still buffering...ads comment they are sooo nice and sofisticated while actually in reality they sucks..hey...i support u till the end man
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