Monday, November 26, 2007

Eddie for PM?

some mails are just fun to read. this one is no different. so im posting it here, well, part of it.

"I like your view on the current government issues and how you'd tackle the problem. I think if you venture into politics you'd be great. Its NOT A SURPRISE if you have the PM's chair one day."
-i'd take that as an insult.

there's a lot of talented people out there but im not shy to admit that i am one of them (haha). there's obviously someone better. i know my koleq friends wouldnt trust me. that alone is enough to convinced im not suited for the role.

im open, liberal and direct. i dont want to be the next mustapha kamal attarturk


Missy eLLe said...

wahlau, i wonder if u'll be starting your own party or join BN. :P

SalamMedia said...

hmm.. i dont know myself.

ill just stick with what i like, web design ;)

Anonymous said...

so bila mau register itu party? nak demo kat ner nanti? ehheheehehe