Tuesday, November 27, 2007

EEEPC, PC Fair is Coming

 yeah, it'll be held at KLCC starting 7th. i want this SHIT! its called, eee pc.

i hate crowded places, pasar malam and cinemas are no exception. but this time, im really looking forward get the retarded eeepc. i guess you'll see me beating an old lady to get one of this.

price? its RM1,300. it has USB, wifi, webcam, speaker, full keyboard, 7" screen and 0.92kg. its a no brainer deal. its a VERY basic computer.

im now weighing my options, mobile or eeepc. get both? i can almost imagine, pulling out this thing for a slide presentation, blogging while tailgating an evo7 or lie to tokwan, that this is actually an alarm clock.


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

haish..kdg2 untung jugak jd unemployer ni kan?ade je duit nye ;p

Lulu Zacott said...

i dont know why but it sounds very much like you-->

"its all about me,me,me"

eeepc=Edwin Eddie Ed-ku PC

hehe =)

i'd say..get one!

SalamMedia said...

lisa: its very cheap. first i need to know whether this thing can play avi divx movies or not. itll be nice, watching something while driving

angelic: hahaha. betul tu. i dont know what the 3Es actually meant. you can google it for me ;)