Thursday, November 1, 2007

Raye Part 3

continual of the previous post,

i came back to the living room with a handful of bahulus. while gobbling and stuffing everything in my mouth, tok wan stood up and repositioned himself next to me. whispering tone, he asked,

tokwan : hang makan sume ni, tak takut gemok ka?
me : tak. bulan pose dh ilang dekat 6kg. raye 1 + 2 dah naik balik 4 kg.
tokwan : tu dia.. ni tanya kat hang. unemployed tu gheja lagu mana?
me : unemployed tu keje duduk rumah, bukak computer pastu masuk internet. kalau2 bosan tu, tolong mak lipat baju la.
tokwan : punya la sempoi hang gheja. boss hang tak marah?
me : mana ade boss. kami la boss. (kami is referred as 'i' up north)
tokwan : tak sangka ada gak cucu tokwan yg berjaya no. tokwan bangga abeslah kt hang.

tokwan is now convinced that "unemployed" is a king like position in a company. i left the room. a few minutes later, i heard..

"celaka hang ewin! kalau la lutut aku tak ketaq, dah lama aku takik hang dgn mertun!!!" (takik = knock, mertun = hammer)

i guess my parents explained to him what "unemployed" is.

thats to payback for forcing me to drink 'kopi' when i was 5. selamat hari raya tokwan ;)

p/s: tokwan used to force me many things when i was a kid, like, paint his house, build reban ayam, chase his chickens, eat cows' testicle, climb rambutan tree etc. is the score even? i dont think so..


Lulu Zacott said...

tokwan u mmg best!
on behalf of him hehe..

its nice to read such funny story but u know what..
it'd be nicer if it is shown like The Truman Show =)

wish me luck for tmrw k

SalamMedia said...

good luck!

msia tade show mcm jay leno, truman or david letterman. theyre no airing on ntv7 anymore. so sad..

Missy eLLe said...

hahahaha finally he got it.. punyala oblivious!

Khalisa Ridzuan said...

la.i tertinggal..serius lawak adn padan muka.hahahaha ;p